Welcome To Mount Carmel Baptist Church
Greetings in the Name of our Risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
It is with great excitement and enthusiasm, that I take this initial opportunity to address our members, friends, and visitors through the media of our Virtual Information Ministry at Mount Carmel Baptist Church. As an extension of our active ministries, it is my prayer, that this website will provide you with information about, who we are, as a Christian Church, as well as, keeping you abreast of opportunities for fellowship, worship, and family activities, we offer in the West Taylorsville (Rabbit Community) of Alexander County, North Carolina.
The founding principles of this church are based on three important pillars, Faith, Family, and Fellowship. As His disciples, we here at Mount Carmel Baptist Church endeavor to meet each of life’s challenges presented to us in a practical way, and respond accordingly to Christ’s call to serve.
You will find our mission to be clear and concise, our worship “Spirit filled” with relevant, charismatic preaching and Biblical teaching for our times; complimented by our inspirational music ministry, that incorporates a blend of traditional and contemporary music styles, such as, hymns, spirituals, gospel, and praise worship. Our church based community programs and activities are geared towards the modern family, youth, and our senior citizens.
As we begin our journey into the future, it is our desire to study and share our Doctrine, live out the true spirit of our Covenant, and present Jesus to the world in an inviting manner, that will win other souls to His service.

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“A Church Doing Greater Things Through Christ, Who Gives Us Our Strength”