Oct 11, 2020
Let’s Go Get Them
Series: Harvest
October 11, 2020
Reverend Kevin Ussery
Matthew 9:35-38
We still have a mission. We still have to go and tell the world what this says the Lord. We still have to let people know that a Jesus is the answer, the healing, and Jesus is the master that doesn’t change. 
  • Oct 11, 2020Let’s Go Get Them
    Oct 11, 2020
    Let’s Go Get Them
    Series: Harvest
    October 11, 2020
    Reverend Kevin Ussery
    Matthew 9:35-38
    We still have a mission. We still have to go and tell the world what this says the Lord. We still have to let people know that a Jesus is the answer, the healing, and Jesus is the master that doesn’t change. 
  • Oct 4, 2020But For Your Grace
    Oct 4, 2020
    But For Your Grace
    Series: Harvest
    October 4, 2020
    Reverend Kevin Ussery
    Ephesians 3:1-13
    Who thought their life would be going in one direction, but God sent you in a deferent direction? When God detours us, it’s not always a dead end. It’s for purposes that we can’t yet understand. You are not where you are by accident. You are where you are by the providence and grace of God. 
  • Sep 20, 2020Forgiveness
    Sep 20, 2020
    Series: (All)
    September 20, 2020
    Reverend Kevin Ussery
    Romans 12:14-21
    Forgiveness. "Vengeance is mine, I will repay," says the Lord. "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink; for in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head." Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. 
  • Sep 13, 2020I Will Rejoice
    Sep 13, 2020
    I Will Rejoice
    Series: (All)
    September 13, 2020
    Reverend Kevin Ussery
    Habakkuk 3:16-19
    It doesn't matter what circumstance, situation, or what you are dealing with, you still need to give God praise! Habakkuk represents those of who love God, but we have had some doubts. We trust God, but it gets hard sometimes and we know He is there, but we can't always find Him.
  • Sep 6, 2020There’s a Message in the Meal
    Sep 6, 2020
    There’s a Message in the Meal
    Series: (All)
    September 6, 2020
    Reverend Kevin Ussery
    1 Corinthians 11:23-26
    The church has been celebrating the Lord's Supper for well over 2000 years. We Baptists believe that the meal is symbolic. The bread and the wine are symbolic of our Lord's body and his blood. There is no salvation in it. Every time we gather together and partake of the Lord's supper, we see and participate in a living illustration of the gospel message. 
  • Aug 23, 2020Will You Be In That Number?
    Aug 23, 2020
    Will You Be In That Number?
    Series: (All)
    August 23, 2020
    Minister Daniel Locklear
    Psalms 5
    Just who you are, isn’t going to get you into heaven. Your social status, your family lineage, and just because you have been going to a church all your life isn’t going to get you into the kingdom of heaven. The Bible says you must be born again. You must be washed in the blood of the lamb to get into the kingdom. 
  • Aug 16, 2020The Wrath of God
    Aug 16, 2020
    The Wrath of God
    Series: (All)
    August 16, 2020
    Reverend Kevin Ussery
    Romans 1:13-18
    Our world has turned into such evilness and become so sinful that God is telling us that if we don’t turn ourselves around, that the wrath of God will come. We have made right wrong, wrong right and called evil good, and good evil. And God said, “My word is true, and if you don’t get your life together, and get on the Lord’s side, you are automatically on the devil’s side.”
  • Aug 9, 2020Suddenly
    Aug 9, 2020
    Series: (All)
    August 9, 2020
    Reverend Kevin Ussery
    1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
    No Christian should ever be afraid of death. When Jesus comes back it isn't going to take a long time, He is going to come back suddenly. The first coming of the Lord was announced by the angel Gabriel, not only to His parents, but also to the shepherds keeping watch over the flock by night. His second coming will be suddenly. When He came the first time, He was in a manger, but when He comes the second time He will be on the throne. 
  • Aug 2, 2020Spiritual Armor For A Spiritual Battle
    Aug 2, 2020
    Spiritual Armor For A Spiritual Battle
    Series: (All)
    August 2, 2020
    Reverend Kevin Ussery
    Ephesians 6:10-18
    God has already given us everything we need to win this battle. He gave us His only son Jesus, who lived, who dies, who was buried, but then got up with all power in His hand. What the devil meant for bad, God is going to turn it around and use it for our good. 
  • Jul 26, 2020He May Not Come When You Want Him, But He Is Always On Time
    Jul 26, 2020
    He May Not Come When You Want Him, But He Is Always On Time
    July 26, 2020
    Reverend Kevin Ussery
    John 11:1-26, 44-45
    We must all come to the understanding that it doesn't matter how saved you are, how much you worship God, or how much you go to church, because we can all come to church every time the doors are open and still find ourselves in a desperate situation. You can't judge people by their outward appearance. In fact if you are able to look beneath the clothes of that person that is sitting next to you, you come to the understanding that many of us look good on the outside. But in spite of how good we look on the outside, many of us are struggling, desperate, distraught, and disturbed all at the same time.