Dec 8, 2019
The Birth of Christ Brings Relationship
Series: Advent
December 8, 2019
Reverend Kevin M. Ussery
Matthew 1:18-25
Some of us get into religion, but it's not about a religion, it's all about a relationship. God in His infinite wisdom created mankind, not because He needed us, but God in His infinite wisdom created us as mankind simply because God wanted to have a relationship with us. The relationship that God has with us is not because of duty, but is strictly out of desire. God desires to have a relationship with us, so much so, that he inconvenienced himself.
- Dec 8, 2019The Birth of Christ Brings Relationship
Dec 8, 2019The Birth of Christ Brings RelationshipSeries: AdventDecember 8, 2019Reverend Kevin M. UsseryMatthew 1:18-25Some of us get into religion, but it's not about a religion, it's all about a relationship. God in His infinite wisdom created mankind, not because He needed us, but God in His infinite wisdom created us as mankind simply because God wanted to have a relationship with us. The relationship that God has with us is not because of duty, but is strictly out of desire. God desires to have a relationship with us, so much so, that he inconvenienced himself.
- Dec 1, 2019His Name is Mighty
Dec 1, 2019His Name is MightySeries: AdventDecember 1, 2019Reverend Kevin M. UsseryIsaiah 9:6-7The names of Jesus help us to see the Savior with a brand new appreciation. We get so caught up with the frivolity of Christmas, that we miss the reason for the season. If Jesus hadn't come, we would be right now living in hell, getting ready to die and go to hell. Christmas is about worshiping a baby that came into this world, Jesus.
- Nov 24, 2019It’s Shouting Time
Nov 24, 2019It’s Shouting TimeSeries: ThanksgivingNovember 24, 2019Minister Daniel LocklearJoshua 6:1-10Sometimes God don’t want you to always do things like you’ve been doing it. Sometimes we think change is a bad thing and that just because we are going to do it a different way it’s not the right way, but everything isn’t done by force.
- Nov 17, 2019Wake Up Church
Nov 17, 2019Wake Up ChurchSeries: ThanksgivingNovember 17, 2019Reverend Kevin M. UsseryRomans 13:11-14In writing this Paul is seeking to stir up and wake up the people of God before it is too late. Jesus is telling us that some of us have fallen asleep and we should be as afraid of falling asleep as Jesus as we are of falling asleep on our employer. Paul is saying that the world hasn't fallen asleep on the devil, but we as Christians have fallen asleep on the Lord.
- Nov 10, 2019Doing To Do Better
Nov 10, 2019Doing To Do BetterSeries: Men's DayNovember 10, 2019Men's DayReverend Gregory CummingsActs 16:13-18Enlightening, Equipping, and Exposing. All you are supposed to do is give the word, because it's not your word anyway. It's God's word. So what are we ashamed of? What are we afraid of? Why aren't we telling people about Jesus?
- Nov 3, 2019Come to the Table
Nov 3, 2019Come to the TableSeries: ThanksgivingNovember 3, 2019Reverend Kevin M. UsseryMark 14:12-25We shouldn't live to get our reward here, because our reward is not here. God's story, is a story of redemption. That although we have sinned and gone astray, the Lord can save us and deliver us.
- Oct 27, 2019Let’s Get to Work
Oct 27, 2019Let’s Get to WorkSeries: HarvestOctober 27, 2019Pastor Kevin M. UsseryMatthew 9:35-38There are people to reach and work to be done. The danger of the church in 2019 is that we don't see this as the most important work. In order for us to be successful there are some things that we must grab hold of. We need some laborers and people willing to get their hands dirty.
- Oct 20, 2019Living in the Vine
Oct 20, 2019Living in the VineSeries: (All)October 20, 2019Minister Daniel LocklearJohn 15:1-8; Galatians 5:16-26In order for the church to grow spiritually, we must abide within Christ's teaching. We are going to have to live our lives totally and completely devoted to God and the Lord Savior our Jesus Christ. We are going to have to walk like new people that we are called to be, allowing the Spirit of God to grow inside out. And the more we allow him to put in, the more we will walk in the Spirit and not obey the lust of the flesh.
- Oct 6, 2019Love Lift Us Up Where We Belong
Oct 6, 2019Love Lift Us Up Where We BelongSeries: (All)October 6, 2019Reverend Kevin UsseryJohn 13:31-35Everybody uses the word love and love has lost its real meaning. Whatever love is, it's commandable. Love is not equal to liking. You don't have to like them, but you are commanded to love them. Biblical love is the decision whether or not it's accompanied by an emotion. Biblical love is the decision to compassionately and righteously seek the well being of another.
- Sep 29, 2019Are You Sold Out?
Sep 29, 2019Are You Sold Out?Series: RevivalSeptember 29, 2019Reverend Kevin UsseryJohn 9:1-7In this day and time, people are faced with challenges. Challenges in this life can make you or they can break you. There must come a time in our lives, that even though there are challenges, we must make sound decisions. We have got to rely on God. As you deal with the issues of the day, day after day, you must acknowledge God's authority over your life.