Aug 18, 2019
Trouble Don’t Last Always
Series: Hope
August 18, 2019
Reverend Kevin Ussery
The problems of life can sometimes come upon you before you are even aware of the situation that you are already going through. If God is for you, then who can be against you. Just because you are a child of God, doesn't mean you won't have any troubles. 
  • Aug 18, 2019Trouble Don’t Last Always
    Aug 18, 2019
    Trouble Don’t Last Always
    Series: Hope
    August 18, 2019
    Reverend Kevin Ussery
    The problems of life can sometimes come upon you before you are even aware of the situation that you are already going through. If God is for you, then who can be against you. Just because you are a child of God, doesn't mean you won't have any troubles. 
  • Aug 11, 2019Blessed
    Aug 11, 2019
    Series: Hope
    August 11, 2019
    Minister Daniel Locklear
    There are all kinds of things going on in the world, but the Bible says, "so let your light shine. The Bible says we are the salt of the earth; the light of the world. All of these things are the result of sin and they will continue to happen until the Son of God returns. So we are to be a light in the world to show others Jesus.
  • Aug 4, 2019There Is Hope
    Aug 4, 2019
    There Is Hope
    Series: Hope
    August 4, 2019
    Reverend Kevin M. Ussery
    No matter what you are going through in life, there is hope. If you don't know Jesus, you are going to feel downtrodden, you are going to have some anxiety, and you are going to have some fears. But in Christ Jesus, who has conquered and overcome all things, lets us know that because he got up, there is hope.
  • Jul 28, 2019Who is Willing to Take A Stand?
    Jul 28, 2019
    Who is Willing to Take A Stand?
    July 28, 2019
    Minister Daniel Locklear
    We need to start sharing each other's burdens. We need to help each other with the fight, instead of talking about each other. Stop letting your problems determine the outcome of your life. Stop letting fear, anxiety, depression, drugs, alcohol, lust, and all of these things of the world determine who you are. 
  • Jul 21, 2019You’ve Got Bragging Rights
    Jul 21, 2019
    You’ve Got Bragging Rights
    July 21, 2019
    Reverend Kevin Ussery
    We can talk about everything, but why don't we talk about Jesus. Bragging or boasting is when someone uses their words to point back at themselves to talk about how incredible they are and in a way that brings attention to themselves. We need to ask Jesus to forgive us for talking about ourselves more than we talk about Him. It shouldn't matter what you are going through or what situation you're struggling with, you should turn it around and give God the glory for what he is doing in your life. 
  • Jul 14, 2019It’s For Your Good
    Jul 14, 2019
    It’s For Your Good
    July 14, 2019
    Reverend Kevin Ussery
    Why is it that sin is so hard to overcome? Does God forgive every sin? What really happens when we become Christians? Do we change or don't we? There ought to be some evidence in your life that you have changed. The very best proof of the Christian faith is a believer with a changed life. 
  • Jul 7, 2019Just Give Me Some Crumbs
    Jul 7, 2019
    Just Give Me Some Crumbs
    Series: (All)
    July 7, 2019
    Reverend Kevin Ussery
    Sometimes just a little bit from Jesus is a whole lot more than what you got. Sometimes we, as the people of God, can be very selfish when it comes to the Lord blessing us. 
  • Jun 23, 2019Suddenly
    Jun 23, 2019
    June 23, 2019
    Minister Daniel Locklear
    The people of the world today, the higher ups, are using people to line their pockets. 1 Corinthians 13 says, "Although I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, without love it means nothing." Sometimes life will beat you down and put more on you than you can seem to bear, but suddenly....
  • Jun 16, 2019The Power of a Father’s Faith
    Jun 16, 2019
    The Power of a Father’s Faith
    Series: (All)
    June 16, 2019
    Reverend Kevin Ussery
    God doesn't make any promises that he can't keep. You don't have to be perfect to serve the Lord, you just have to be obedient to do what God told you to do. Every test is about your faith. Some of you haven't grown in your faith because you haven't passed the test. Father's are to lead their family in worship.
  • Jun 2, 2019Your Faith will be Tested
    Jun 2, 2019
    Your Faith will be Tested
    Series: (All)
    June 2, 2019
    Reverend Kevin Ussery
    Jesus had trials, but he stood on what sayeth the Lord. As Christians we will be way better off if we just learn to praise Him through the trials, rather than waiting on the victory. God is taking you through some trials to get rid of some stuff in you.